Saturday morning danish and a delightful cup of coffee | Church & State

Well y’all know how much I love finding new companies that offer a superb product{And of course, I blog about them}! Whether it comes to the Old German Bakery in Fredricksburg Texas or Slickepott fudge & Caramel or KBR Magazine published by my dear friend in Kansas, or, for today,  Church & State Coffee Co., based out of New York! 🙂 Needless to say I have updated my Links I love page. 😉

But it’s not just the supremely delightful roast that sells me on their product or their eye-catching labels, it’s their mission statement! For each pound of coffee you buy, they will donate a portion of their proceeds to a pro-life organization! So far we have tried their brilliantly bold Espresso Roast, Smoothly delicious Mexican roast, and today it was their Red Cherry Yirgacheffee Kochere Roast which was superb! So, without further ado, Church & State Coffee Co.!

Danish courtesy of my most talented older sister, Micah! Next to my mom, shes the world’s best baker. 😉

Granola Girl bakes :: Danish

Fresh Eggs 19

Granola Girl bakes : Danish 2

Granola Girl bakes : Danish 1[vimeo w=560&h=315]

“O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.”
Psalms 90:14

November 10, 2013
November 27, 2013



  1. Reply


    November 16, 2013

    Very interesting. Thanks for this info. I’m going to have to try some of that Ethiopian Yirgacheffee. 🙂

    • Reply


      November 16, 2013

      It is really delicious! 🙂 A bit fruity in flavor. (:

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    Nicole Rich

    November 16, 2013

    You girls make me wish I could drink coffee so much. 🙂 I’d love the recipe for the danish though, it looks delicious.

    • Reply


      November 16, 2013

      I will see if I can’t get you that recipe, Nicole!! 🙂

  3. Reply


    November 17, 2013

    Reblogged this on perthlocal.

  4. Reply


    November 18, 2013

    I love how they presented their view without bashing other coffee companies in the process. (…even though I wouldn’t hesitate to come down hard on Starbucks. :P) Sounds really cool. Would love to visit there some time.

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      November 19, 2013

      What? They were talking about Starbucks??! 😉 {<-Joking ;)} Yes, they do a wonderful job! Y'all would love their roast. 🙂

  5. Reply


    November 19, 2013

    Thank you so so much! I am proud of this company – and excited about not only their product but their ethics. How wonderful that you wrote about them!

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      November 19, 2013

      It was my pleasure! 🙂 Thanks for commenting!

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