About Granola Girl

Rachel Leake“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.”  Psalm 34:8

A Christian, Baker, Cook, and Photographer feeding 12+ daily(parents and 10 siblings and whoever else decides to pop in around meal time)! I enjoy trying new recipes, critiquing food, and finding ways to make a dish healthy but still delicious! I hope to share new recipes and old, favorite cooking sites, ingredients, and pictures of food tasted & tested along the way! Hope y’all enjoy! Rachel


  1. somethingsage

    October 2, 2011

    Wow! So glad I found this blog!!! You are so incredibly talented!!! Definitely following you here, as well as enjoying your photography!

    • Rachel

      October 2, 2011

      Thank you so much 🙂

  2. Becky

    October 4, 2011

    Wait a minute! You are Rachel! 😉

    How funny! I decided to browse over your pages and voliá! It is YOU!

    I will announce your blog on the Doctrines in the Kitchen fb page 😉

    • Rachel

      October 4, 2011

      Yes, it is me! You are too kind 🙂 THANK YOU for sharing on the Doctrines in The Kitchen FB page!!

  3. Clouds of Colour

    March 2, 2013

    Your photography is beautiful! I just want to eat your blog haha awesome work 😀

    • Rachel

      March 2, 2013

      Wouldn’t recommend you attempt to eat my blog but definitely give the recipes a try!! 😉 Thank you for your encouragement!! I give God all the glory for any beauty displayed on my blog! 🙂

  4. rachel

    August 27, 2013

    wow! what do you know…I didn’t realize that you were the Rachel of the Garlands girls….I’ve been slobbering up your goodies in my mind on their Facebook. You are amazing! Tell the sisters that Rachel from Nest Films sent an email 😉

    • Rachel

      August 27, 2013

      Yes!! It is me. 😉 How did you ever find my blog?? Oh, yay! I will let them know about the email. 🙂 We serve an amazing GOD and all glory goes to HIM!

  5. carmen d.

    November 4, 2013

    Your blog is fantastic!!!!!

    • Rachel

      November 4, 2013

      Thank you!! 🙂

  6. PotSoup

    December 1, 2013

    You have a lovely blog, absolutely stunning photos and tummy tantalizing recipes.

    • Rachel

      December 1, 2013

      Thank you!! 🙂

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